Men's Plus Size Clothing - Three Must Know Shopping Tips

Know Your True Size

This first tip may seem obvious, but a surprising number of men don't actually know their true clothing size. Plus, different retailers do tend to offer slightly different sizing depending on their own measurements. So, if you haven't measured up in a while, it's time to dust off your tape measure, it's one of the best ways to ensure the most comfortable fit!
big mens style
Get to Know Your Shape

This is a tip for bigger guys and smaller guys alike. Every man's body shape lends itself to one of the four classics: triangle, inverted triangle, oval and rectangle. To understand your shape, look in a full length mirror without a shirt on and try to imagine an outline going from your shoulders to your hips. Men with wider shoulders and narrow hips tend to have an 'inverted triangle' shape, whereas if you have narrow shoulders and wider hips you can class yourself as more of a 'triangle'. Men of any size can be any one of these shapes; it's not dependant on how much weight you're carrying, but rather your natural frame.

Once you get to know your body's natural shape, you can start picking clothing that complements it. For example, triangle shapes will want something that gives them a broader shoulder line, whereas ovals suit more of a tailored look. It's all about trial and error and finding what works for you.

Don't go Fashion First

If you're a bit clueless when it comes to clothes shopping, you may be tempted to go straight for the most 'in fashion' option but this is something most stylists will advise against. The most 'in vouge' clothes are often the ones that are designed to suit the 'perfect' body, not the average Joe. Looking and feeling stylish is more about choosing clothes that complement your own unique look and personality.